Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year to Eve...

We at the Auckland SPCA think that 2007 is a year that Eve will want to forget.

Trapped in her 'prison', under a house with no food or water.

Fortunately for her, she was found just in the nick of time by Auckland SPCA Inspector Todd Neal, who received a call from a concerned member of the public.

See excellent television coverage of Eve's story from our friends at TV-3 here.

Email are flooding in, offering assistance and good wishes to Eve and Auckland SPCA Staff & Volunteers who care for the 18,000+ animals we receive each year.

Eve's condition continues to improve. Her colouring is better, and every day she's eating a little more.

Any donations towards the running of our animal shelter would be greatly appreciated and you can make a generic donate online here, or a specific donation towards Eve's Appeal here. This will be used for both caring for our furry friends here at the Village, plus it will assist our legal costs in bringing prosecution against Eve's 'owners'.

It may surprise you to learn the we receive no automatic government funding for caring for the animals at our shelter; nor are we funded for costs of prosecution cases!


Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you Eve and also to the wonderful staff at the SPCA. I am so thrilled that you were saved in time and will be able to enjoy a new life with people who will love you and look after you properly. Good luck precious.

Rachel said...

Happy New Year Eve! I hope that 2008 is much kinder to you than 2007 was!!! A big thank you to the staff at the SPCA for saving Eve's life, you guys do an amazing job!!! My heart goes out to Eve and i hope she makes a full recovery, and receives the love and attention that every pet deserves!

Kirsten said...

It's amazing that after something so horrible, you still see kindness in your eyes. To everyone involved with Eve's recovery, thank you! Eve, wishing you a fanastic year with a loving new family!

Michelle Little said...

Beautiful EVE - you are an angel. I wish you all the very best in your new life away from the low-life scum who did this to you.
I do hope that when caught they are given the biggest fine/sentence in the SPCA history before our courts.
You share your unconditional love with all those great people at the SPCA who love and protect you. Good girl. Thank goodness you were found and saved...

Kim said...

Let this be a happier new year for you Eve and a fresh start to your new life. Thanks to the SPCA who do a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

Hi EVE!!
Hope you are having the bestest time with your new family,and enjoying learning new things! you deserve it you, your one little fighter! you make recoveries meaning-full. On behalf of me & my family i would like to make a big THANK YOU to the SPCA team for finding EVE! you guys rock!

Tiana Onekawa said...

Hello Eve,

I heard about your accident but you can forget about my dream is to become a member of SPCA because there ae dogs and pets out there tha need help I want to do my article on you. You are the friendliest dog I've ever seen.
Bestt waishes for this year.

Take care Eve ♥♥♥♥